Friday, February 13, 2009

I gave into the peer pressure.....and created my own blog

So I finally decided to break down and just get a blog. This way I can just tell all of you my hilarious stories at once instead of having to recount every tale to each one of you over and over again and possibly leaving one or two of you out of the funniness of my life. Although, I do love telling you my stories over the phone because then I get to hear your lovely laughter and get immediate feedback (hint, hint....that means I want comments). ; ) This will hopefully make keeping in touch with everyone significantly easier.

I do, however, want to remind you that I am in no way a writer or a grammarian (in spite of the fact that I am in a Grammar/Language Science class this semester!). I love using parenthesis and ellipses in my you'll just have to get used to it. I can't promise that I'll keep this up to date, but I'll try my best to write on here frequently and use lots of pictures so you don't have to read all of the time. Also, since there is not always something interesting going on in my life, I might back track and write stories and post pictures from last semester or my year in Hawaii. I hope you are excited because I know that I sure am!!!


  1. Great Fun! This will give me something else to do every 15 seconds between putting the pacifier back in Annabelle's mouth. She is so demanding, and I love it! I look forward to the stories.

  2. About time, especially given that OLD People had a blogsite! LOL
