Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Birds part 2 on Valentines weekend!

Somehow that crazy bird (if you are confused see the previous post) managed to disconnect whatever tube it happened to be stuck in on its struggle to regain freedom. Not only did it pull the tube from the back of the dryer but it also ripped the tube out of the wall! So we four girls (Hannah, Sarah, Kiara, and I) were left dryer-less for a few days...oh the humanity!

On Saturday (V-day) Hannah's amazing brother-in-law's brother who is also our good friend, Steven, came over to reconnect our dryer tube. He fixed it in record time using as his only tools his own ingenuity and duck tape (of course, what can't be fixed with duck tape)! Which is slightly ironic since a duck is a bird and a bird is what caused the problem....humm interesting (I know that it is actually called duct tape, but Duck Tape is a brand of duct tape...just to clarify)! Also for your information Steve is not headless although the first two pictures suggest otherwise, and just to prove it here is a picture of him with his head.The rest of our Valentines day consisted of Sarah baking about 140 heart shaped sugar cookies (no joke!), Sarah and Annie, Sarah's sister, making creatively designed Valentines, Sarah and I icing the cookies, and then finally Hannah, Sarah, and I delivering the cookies.
All in all it was a pretty good Valentines day.


  1. I am saddened that you didn't mention eating any cookies! Hope you had a good Valentines day. We went and ate some yummy mexican food.

  2. I like how you described Steven as "Hannah's amazing brother-in-law's brother." You're right; Hannah does have an amazing brother-in-law!

  3. It's time you updated your blog KRIS10.
