Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Birds part 2 on Valentines weekend!

Somehow that crazy bird (if you are confused see the previous post) managed to disconnect whatever tube it happened to be stuck in on its struggle to regain freedom. Not only did it pull the tube from the back of the dryer but it also ripped the tube out of the wall! So we four girls (Hannah, Sarah, Kiara, and I) were left dryer-less for a few days...oh the humanity!

On Saturday (V-day) Hannah's amazing brother-in-law's brother who is also our good friend, Steven, came over to reconnect our dryer tube. He fixed it in record time using as his only tools his own ingenuity and duck tape (of course, what can't be fixed with duck tape)! Which is slightly ironic since a duck is a bird and a bird is what caused the problem....humm interesting (I know that it is actually called duct tape, but Duck Tape is a brand of duct tape...just to clarify)! Also for your information Steve is not headless although the first two pictures suggest otherwise, and just to prove it here is a picture of him with his head.The rest of our Valentines day consisted of Sarah baking about 140 heart shaped sugar cookies (no joke!), Sarah and Annie, Sarah's sister, making creatively designed Valentines, Sarah and I icing the cookies, and then finally Hannah, Sarah, and I delivering the cookies.
All in all it was a pretty good Valentines day.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Birds!!!!

Have you ever seen Alfred Hitchcock's movie The Birds? I assume most everyone has. Have you ever been attacked by a bird in an enclosed space? I assume that most have not. Here is my story:

On Thursday night, my roommate, Hannah, and I were spending a relatively boring night in the kitchen. I was reading my Physics homework, and she was cooking breakfast burritos. Then all of the sudden I see a bird swoop in from the back of our apartment in to the kitchen...straight at us. Let the screaming begin! Rewind just a bit...all day long we had been hearing a noise coming from our dryer vent. We assumed it was an animal most likely a bird, and our landlord was planning on coming over to help us get it out that night. Ok, back to the screaming...Hannah had no idea why I was screaming and jumping out of my seat so I yelled, "the bird's in the apartment!" It had somehow escaped the dryer vent and it was mad or scared or well probably both.

She may or may not have screamed, but I know for sure that she fell in the floor, pulled her hood over her head. And do you know what was the first thing she said while crouched in the fetal position? "Oh no!! My food! Kristen, cover it and turn off the burner" I covered the pan and turned off the burner (remember this...its important for later). All the while, the crazy bird is still swooping around our apartment. Diving at us, then feigning away...diving...feigning...then diving once again. I ran to my room (while screaming and dodging the bird) to grab my phone, keys, and some shoes so we could get out of the apartment and hide in the hallway. When I got back to the kitchen, Hannah was still in the floor, but she was a little closer to the door then before. I opened the door and told her to come outside. At about the same time, the bird (which was behind her in the kitchen) started to swoop once again, so I yelled, "Hannah! Crawl to the door!" For some crazy reason, she actually listened to me and the bird swooped over her instead of possibly hitting her in the back (accidentally, of course). So then we were in the safety of the hallway. The only problem was....the bird was still flying around our apartment...

We called Andy and Brett, friends of ours from the ward, and asked them to come over and help us get the bird out of our apartment. In a few minutes, they were here. When we opened the door, we realized that disaster had stuck again...something was burning. Hannah had been using two burners on the stove, and I had only noticed the one. As a result, we had one extremely blackened tortilla and pan on the stove. Andy and Brett scared the bird out the patio door in probably less then 30 seconds using an exercise ball (yeah I don't know why, but it worked) and a broom.

Our apartment was finally birdless, but it was now very very smokey and burnt smelling. We opened windows and the patio's screen door, turned on a fan, and turned off the heat. We froze for most of the rest of the night.

That's it...the end. Its longer then expected, but that's ok because it would have taken a while for me to tell you over the phone anyway. We sure do wish we would have had a video camera to record the whole thing.

Friday, February 13, 2009

I gave into the peer pressure.....and created my own blog

So I finally decided to break down and just get a blog. This way I can just tell all of you my hilarious stories at once instead of having to recount every tale to each one of you over and over again and possibly leaving one or two of you out of the funniness of my life. Although, I do love telling you my stories over the phone because then I get to hear your lovely laughter and get immediate feedback (hint, hint....that means I want comments). ; ) This will hopefully make keeping in touch with everyone significantly easier.

I do, however, want to remind you that I am in no way a writer or a grammarian (in spite of the fact that I am in a Grammar/Language Science class this semester!). I love using parenthesis and ellipses in my you'll just have to get used to it. I can't promise that I'll keep this up to date, but I'll try my best to write on here frequently and use lots of pictures so you don't have to read all of the time. Also, since there is not always something interesting going on in my life, I might back track and write stories and post pictures from last semester or my year in Hawaii. I hope you are excited because I know that I sure am!!!